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 warcry added effect 

Joined: 15 Jun 2016
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Location: Montreal
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So I was thinking how to possibly improve warcry which at this point is completely lackluster in most situations outside of pvp.

Mana burn!

Simply add a mana burn effect to warcry. So whenever it hit, the opponent will lose a portion of their mana based on warcry mod. This would potentially make certain areas more friendly to AT who have no actual ways of realistically completing certain areas of the game by themselves while every other race has some form of sustainable ability which circumvents high mana/heal situations which is everywhere except pents.

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Baron of Aranock
Baron of Aranock

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Asmodeus wrote:
So I was thinking how to possibly improve warcry which at this point is completely lackluster in most situations outside of pvp.

I believe you may have missed the change to warcry a few months back? It's pretty much a pve skill now. It applies -armor and costs less end now.
I don't feel like more mechanics should be added to it at this point, maybe some number adjustments to make it better tho.
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Joined: 18 Mar 2016
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I like the mana burn idea though; im having huge problems with prison with my tincan, i just cant solo it since we cant stunlock
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Major General
Major General

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I like the idea, Add -50 Mana burn per wc!
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Joined: 15 Jun 2016
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LazyWarrior wrote:
Asmodeus wrote:
So I was thinking how to possibly improve warcry which at this point is completely lackluster in most situations outside of pvp.

I believe you may have missed the change to warcry a few months back? It's pretty much a pve skill now. It applies -armor and costs less end now.
I don't feel like more mechanics should be added to it at this point, maybe some number adjustments to make it better tho.

It's funny that you mention it. I tested this out a few days ago(for less than 30 minutes undrugged) and the lack of warcurse was immediately noticeable for me. I kept wondering why I was taking more damage than previously. Now I know why. I think it is an interesting addition but it only minimally appears to impact killing speed from my opinion running a baron AT. I think the scope of the changes remain a bit small when comparing to other classes and their own toolkit.

Adding a mana burn would give AT another unique feature which would make them a little bit less of a hassle. Reducing end cost to 100 from 150 is minimal when greps now give 200end vs 500 while also reducing the only mod reducing feature of AT making it the only class that cannot curse. I think -armor is a great idea but features should be balanced around base gear and not spell sets since EW/Wv is another element.

Thanks for the reminder
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