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 Cave quest needs to be fixed. Badly 

Joined: 24 Feb 2022
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So here's the deal. I am currently 0 for 4 on actually completing the quest, albeit one was my own fault. But mostly it's those Damn kids killing themselves by either randomly getting hit by the player, or just straight up dying to dwarves, or spiders or both.

I have a proposition to fix this. Make the kids more like GC/UC, allowing you to buff/heal them, and giving them a "player" tag so you can't accidentally hit them unless you're purple. even if you can't buff them, but just heal them, and make it so they can't attack you randomly because you happened to hit them with an aoe blast.

just my 2 cents. hope you guys consider it.
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Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Joined: 27 Aug 2016
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Its already been made alot easier then it was. Its not very difficult now.. you just need to be careful. And yes you need to be fast with stun else they will die at the dwarf. And take it step by step and you wont be overrun with spiders.

Before you could hit em with b2/poison/sh2/c2 and they were lower level with hardly any armor. Now that was a challenge! Its so much easier now you just need to pay attention.
If your a necro you should bring stun scrolls or someone who can stun.

I understand your frustration tho but once you get the hang of it, it will be easy trust me.

Just dont hit the kids!Very Happy
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Brigadier General
Brigadier General

Joined: 12 Nov 2019
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Even without stun it can still be done in safely with a little more effort.
At various places you can stand next to a wall and turn. The kids will hide behind the wall.
If you then go up to the Master Dwarf (? the one behind a ladder, after you got the key from the yellow rock), the kids stay behind. Grab the hole after the kill, lead the kids to the ladder and grab ladder to bring them along.
Also can be used often when you need to grab the wall for various rocks.

A reasonable C2 is enough against spiders. And waiting a little bit until the kids regen some hp and mana can work too.
The kids have a long life span, normally (except when you kill them/get them killed, or the once in a few days reset arrives and makes them vanish).

Walk on fast, with light on, so enemies spot you first. You can cast an attack spell on some of the dwarves that don't auto attack, to draw them to you.

Good luck.
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Joined: 01 Sep 2016
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Have done it like 20x with my warrior (only using Warcry).

As Marky said theres places u can 'drop' them off by turning round some walls.
Can do a run with you if want and show, tis quite easy.
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Joined: 02 Jun 2016
Posts: 138
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Hm. The survivability the children seems to be the issue because it is paired with the inability to directly affect them. What if you were able to hand them hp pots which they immediately drink. You couldn't bring an infinite amount to cheese with, and I can think of other places or future scenarios such a mechanic might breathe a bit of life into

Less broad would be something like a heal scroll that you get for completing cave but which only works on the kids. Or something which clears out their hatred of one another 🤔
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