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Baron of Aranock
Baron of Aranock

Joined: 03 Apr 2016
Posts: 760
Location: Temple of Aranock
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18 July 2023
1. Archived file can now be searched by IP address to find alts of characters that have not yet been restored. This will make it easier for the gods to find other antique characters forgotten or whose names are not quite precisely remembered.

17 March 2023
1. /checkchars command changed to check for invalid clan data. This includes future dates not reset for the 4-byte bug.
2. Players who were former clan members who were not able to join a clan should now be able to do so.

13 February 2023
1. New greater god command /4bb added to reset ticker that caused time to end when it exceeded the size of a 4 byte integer
2. Tick timers reset in the game so time should be saved for another 3 years or so.
3. If you notice any issues with timers, let me know

12 January 2023
1. Polymorph potions added to alchemy.
2. Coconuts and lizard teeth necklace can now be obtained outside of lab2 for alchemy recipies.
3. Amulet of blindness no longer requires UC/SC so ninjas can wear it now.

8 January 2023
1. Lich and Barbarian King wepskills raised to 300 base, it was never intended to be possible to drop their wepskill mod under max.

1 January 2023
1) The Phoenix has risen and allowed the partial restoration of any character over the rank of Captain or arched that existed since 1 November 2015 that was auto deleted. See seperate post under announcements.
2) The client has been updated to allow the restoration of archived files. You will need the new client for this to work.
3) New god command /autoarchive added.
4) New god command /restorearchive added
5) New buidler and god command /adjustskill2 that allows a skill to be reduced and the changed points allocated against the players available points.
6) New elder god command /initachar that initialises (and wipes) the entire archive file.
7) MaxHEM changed so that if the server restarts and the Max HP/End/Mana is set to zero then it automatically changes it to 999.
Cool CGI changes to show gods the names of all of the autodeleted characters for manual reinstatement.

26 August 2022
Updated version of the client, thanks to MMM.
1. Ring Activate On/Off button added
2. Skill bases are now shown in their own column next to the modified skill value, this should make it easier for new players to know what their base is for equipping gear.
3. Skills and buttons now change their text colour when you hover over them (this should make it very clear what you are clicking on)
o Skill names
o Gear switch numbers
o Spell hotkeys
4. Quick Commands can now be customized through the param.dat file. For example you can replace #help with #time if you wish
5. ALT can now be used for your spell hotkeys. For example ALT + Q will cast your first hotkey spell.
6. The following 3 skills that were 16 characters long were shortened so the maximum character length for a skill is now 14 instead of 16. This provided more space to allow “base” skill values to be shown without requiring the skill area be expanded.
o Ghost Companion -> Summon Ghost
o Undead Companion -> Summon Undead
o Skele Companion -> Summon Skele
7. Gear switch buttons are now adjustable. You can now have up to 10 gear switch buttons (eg. 7 default for 1024x768)
8. Each interface grouping has a header label if room was available to place one
9. Equipment backgrounds now only show if no equipment is in the slot
10. Modifying attributes (Brav, Agil, Str etc) are highlighted in red based on the skill hovered (when harden is hovered, Brav and Str turn red)
11. Skill order has been changed to better group similar skills together.

6 August 2022
1. New commands /nextleft and /nextright added to allow player to attack the next character to the left or right of them without having to click and attack.

4 August 2022
1. New command /actrings to activate and deactivate rings added.

3 August 2022
1. Transmute scroll added to Gina.
2. Dual Wield weapon values modified.

22 July 2022
1. Changes to /setmaxdiff command to allow setting the min value for a character template
2. New driver 134 to allow chest style actions to activate one or more random items or actions on use.

20 July 2022
1. New gfx pack including over 700 new sprites (the thanks to from various contributors)
2. New Trial client update (with a huge thanks to Marshmallowman and Stickman) - variations of this have been available to be tested since 6 June 2022
Client Change Log

New Features:
3. You can now customise interfaces using a Param.dat file (rearrange interface items by overriding existing interface)
4. Three interface sizes currently available, using the postabno command in param.dat:
a) postabno 0 (800x600) default
b) postabno 1 (1024x768)
c) postabno 2 (960x540) (DXWnd users only, will not work without. Can double nicely to 1920x1080)
4. Quick buttons for commands that previously required chat text (/help, /spells, /max commands etc)
5. Added ability to zoom in on mini map: 1x, 2x (new default), 4x
6. Equipment Switch buttons that previously required chat text (/sw command)
7. Client now displays required experience for next Rank (instead of having to use /rank)
8. Settings Menu where you can change Gamma, Effect Volume, and Exit game.
9. Adjustable Inventory sizes (eg. 800x600 shows 24 slots instead of 10)
10. Adjustable Equipment layouts other than 2x6 (800x600 uses 4x3)
11. Adjustable active spell layouts (eg. 800x600 shows 6 spells instead of 5 on 1st row)
12. Adjustable # of visible skills shown (eg. 1024x768 shows 22 skills instead of 18 in 800x600)
13. Comma’s in numerical values (1,000,000 vs 1000000)
14. Colored HP/END/MANA bars
15. Colored text for parts of skill list and HP/END/MANA text values
16. Moved Armour/Weapons values to be in character viewer area
17. Characters stunned turn to stone for duration of stun

18. Fixed Scrolling – Scrolling will no longer jump around in chat/inventory/skill list
19. Fixed enemy rings/boots bug being shown when viewed
20. Numerous fixes with character names when looking at Shops/Banks/Enemies
21. N,E,S,W game area buttons now properly aligned to their correct locations

9 June 2022
1. Bug with /sort command where it would not sort items with no template fixed.

8 June 2022
1. /sorthelp command added to the player's online help list of commands. It shows the options available in /sort.
2. /sortall command added to the player's online help list of commands. It will automatically sort the players inventory, bank depot and personal (clan) depot.

3 June 2022
1. Harvesting has mostly been removed, only crafting & blacksmithing are needed to make items now, any items that are no longer used for crafting will be converted into parts used for crafting over time. Everyone with harvesting has been swapped to crafting.
2. Cohors Balteus is now possible with 2 players, some puzzles are changed & may require more effort for 2 people to solve

16 May 2022
1. Bug when stacking scrolls has been fix.

14 April 2022
1. NPCs from Gargoyle statues, Wolf Statues and War Statues no longer get blocked by the NO_MONSTER flag on maps.

3 April 2022
1. Personal quests extended to allow Kill NPC as a quest target. Note that the target shows a name so if there are many NPCs with the same name the hunt may take longer.
2. Personal Quests extended to allow Kill Player as a quest target. Note to Admin: - Use this one with caution.
3. Auto destruction of Unique Items that are being worn on a player will (normally) replace the expired items with an equivalent normal item. e.g. Skua bronze dagger with a Bronze dagger.
4. New god command /wearitem <name> that will attempt to make a player wear the item being carried in the command givers carried item. This is useful for testing the Unique auto-expire.
5. New god command /replaceunique <name> that will attempt to replace a carried (unique) item with the highest equivalent standard item that it can find in the list. This is useful for testing the Unique auto-expire.
6. A few other minor bugs.

27 March 2022
1. Minimum and Maximum exp for abandoned town scrolls is now a smaller range, the exp average should still be about the same.

17 March 2022
1. Bug with Lost Cave chest fixed.

12 March 2022
1. Time to next moon added to the "Who" page on the Aranock website.

11 March 2022
1. New command /moon added to show time of day and time to next moon (in Aranock time)
2. Time to next moon shown when you login.
3. Bug with /transfer showing userids fixed

1 March 2022
1. New flag BLOCKMIRROR added.
2. New builder command blockmirror <template> added to allow buider to set the flag in game. Note the template then needs to be respawned.
3. New flag set on char templates in CGI for BLOCKMIRROR.
4. Monster Lotto changed to skip any character with the BLOCKMIRROR flag set,
5. Builder command /idchar modified to show BLOCKMIRROR flag.
6. BLOCKMIRROR flag set on 3 types of template so far that have been the cause of the ML crashes
--- Dreadling Warror
--- Elite Abandoned Skeleton
--- Abandoned Skeleton
If more crashes occur then those templates will also be blocked.

7. GCTOME fixed for /waypoint command

10 February 2022
1. Major change to uniques, how, where and when they respawn
2. /uniquelog command for gods to list to the log file, all uniques, where they are, the uniue, stats, the char stats and the stats of the item they replaced on the NPC.
3. /tempinitunique command for gods to pre initilise the data and flags on most of the uniques in the game for the changes listed in 1 above.
4. /setuniquemin and /setuniquemax commands for gods to allow a random time from a unique being destroyed before it is available to respawn.
5. /setuniquerand command for gods to allow changing the random chance of an NPC getting an available unique at the time the NPC respawns.
6. Infrared set on all Monster Lotto NPCs so that you can not longer hide in the dark on max stealth.
7. CGI amended to reflect these changes
8. Transmute scroll added to allow transmuting two identical gemstones from RD2 into another random gemstone of the same level.
9. /spells command added for players to display active spells on the player and their Companion, if they have one. Thanks Zarrot.

22 January 2022
1. Step teleports in VoD waypoint and Lava River amended to use GCTOME flag.
2. Prison tokens can now be dissembled (unstacked).

17 January 2022
1. Bug with waypoints above 32 not working has been fixxed.
2. Arch-Templars & Arch-harakims now learn stealth with 1 max, Arch-harakims and Sorcerers now learn immunity with 1 max, any newly arched characters will start with these, older characters will have to do a short quest or 2 for them in /data. The stealth npc is located in Prospect peak. These skills already functioned even if you didn't have the skill based on ur bwias and gear but this lets you see what your stats are without having to calculate it.
3. You can trade 6 prison tokens for 6 random prison rewards, the npc is found at the same house as the other prison token traders in PP. You cannot get prison armor/amulets from this.

Last edited by LazyWarrior on Thu Jan 12, 2023 5:32 pm; edited 230 times in total
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Baron of Aranock
Baron of Aranock

Joined: 03 Apr 2016
Posts: 760
Location: Temple of Aranock
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16 January 2022
1. The balance of the 25 waypoints have been added.

15 January 2022
1. 9 of 25 waypoints now added
2. Clannies and Purple can now use waypoints. Clan and purple scrolls will eventually be discontinued.
3. Bug where lag scroll deleted quest items has been fixed.
4. 18 of 25 waypoints added
5. Gold cost to use waypoints displayed in /waypoint
6. Staffer command /wp <name> added to allow staffer to see what waypoints a player has activated
7. Waypoint command no longer deletes lab/quest items
8. Waypoint has the ability to reset the default recall spot, depending on where the waypoint is located.

14 January 2022
1. Old waypoint system removed
2. New waypoints added that give experience and luck when you find them. It also tells you how much this waypoint will cost you to use.
3. New /waypoint <wpn> command added that teleports you to any waypoint that you have previously discovered (for a cost).
4. /waypoint by itself or with an invalid wpn will list all the waypoints. Ones you have discovered are in green. Undiscovered ones in grey.
5. Initially 3 of 25 waypoints added for testing to make sure nothing is broken.
6. Warning the /waypoint command will destroy quest items
7. Clannies can discover waypoints and get the benefits but can not use the /waypoint command. Clannies have clan teleport scrolls.
8. Clan teleport scroll costs adjusted to make them the same as waypoint costs. Some down and a very few went up.
9. Clan teleport scrolls new also delete quest items.
10. Bug where adding gold to plat crashed the system now fixed.
11. Command can only be executed from certain areas - initial Skua and Purple temples, clan portal area, Country Mansion and Staffers Corner.
12. Command fails if you are stunned
13. Command fails in nomagic area
14. Command fails if you are bankrupt

9 January 2022
1. 3 clan chests expiry dates increased form 30 days to 60 days.
2. /who changed again slightly for players showing clans and leaders explicitly.
3. /whop added to allow staff the option to also see the [layer /who
4. ID on a char now shows HP/end/mana.
----3 values shown for each
----Base = Starting 50 pts + any points added to the character
----Rank = Points added via the player ranking system
----Mod = Total pts, including base, ranking and mods from items worn or potions.

7 January
1. Bug using magic items in nomagic zone fixed. If any unintended consequences from this let me know.

6 January 2022
1. Happy new year.
2. Changed the order of dispel when in the Arena so that you should not dispel good spells before dispelling Curse. See if that helps.
3. Changed minor display of seconds in acct2.cgi.
4. Clan number is now shown in player /who. Note that clan 10 appears as the letter A.
5. + next to the location of a clannie with SHOWLOCATION flag turned on.

29 December 2021
1. Christmas balls and easter eggs of the same type can be combined to get a different one.

28 December 2021
1. The extra npc in shivas room have been made harder to pull individually
2. Shiva now drops a reward for all people who kill him similar to other bosses (up to 4 people)

24 December 2021
1. Shiva now drops the green math cap and has an 18 hour respawn.
2. The green math cap is no longer unique but ages over 2 weeks and has slightly lower stats.

10 August 2021
1. /sort commands changed again to reduce the amount of noise.
2. Sorting of items with the same template will now sort by quantity.

4 August 2021
1. /sort command changed so that /sortinventory is triggered first
2. /help commend changed so that /helpplayer is triggered first. Some further changes may be required for admin and clan players.
3. /alladin and /xmas commands changed to remove invisible checks

4 July 2021
1. /listimage command added for all admin to list all characters that have the IMAGE flag set. This was under the hypothesis that image copies of images may have been contributing to the ML crashes. Alas it was not the case but we have a nice new list command anyway.

18 June 2021
1. Debugs put back into the char_killed routines to try to trap the Monster Lotto bug.

17 June 2021
1. Incorrect messages from quest givers fixed.
2. Lab 4 - Knights Gorge - slightly enhanced to marginally more challenging.

8 June 2021
1. Bug with some unstacked scrolls hopefully has been fixed.

2 June 2021
1. Lord Shiva and the guards in his room now have much longer respawns and slightly less ridiculous stats. Though they are still very very strong.

22 May 2021
1. Stacked scroll counts now shown in White to make the info more distinguishable
2. Spell scrolls can not be "used" if an item is carried. They can be stacked but this change was to stop them being accidentally used by mistake.
3. All the OLD spell scrolls have been converted to new spell scrolls so they should not be stackable. 51 normal, 202 Ankh, 500 Ishtar and 661 Skua scrolls were converted.
4. There now should be no more of the OLD scrolls existing and no more created.

14 May 2021
1. /remove bug fixed where it allowed the min requirements to to negative

13 May 2021
1. Godly weapons have had their stats adjusted to be more useful.

9 May 2021
1. Bank added to Warlord Rebirth Portal

6 May 2021
1. Light has been removed from the priority list for Dispel spell on a friend/self.

5 May 2021
1. /sort command modified
2. /sortdepot added to sort bank depot
3. /sortinvent added to sort inventory
4. /sortpdepot added to sort personal clan depot
5. Greater God command /latency added to allow the server latency (lag) to be changed. Testing changing it from 8 ticks to 1 tick. (18 ticks = 1 second)

3 May 2021
1. Senior Players CGI menu added
2. For long standing, responsible, well known and respected, currently active players or former admin
3. Will allow selected players to be able to restart the server if it crashed

3 May 2021
1. Undo
2. Death Mist when killing NPCs with the Special Grave flag set (like in the pents) has been removed again. Death Mist appears to do more than sight and sound effects. Sigh.

1 May 2021
1. Added back the Death Mist when killing NPCs with the Special Grave flag set (like in the pents).

25 April 2021 ANZAC Day update
1. New sprite pack added hopefully to fix the corrupted sprites.
2. Transparent shop window added to allow player to open up new graves without having to close the old one (thanks Rat/Speller).
3. Alternate sprites added in folder under the gfx folder for those who are interested. This include a small pack for those who are colour blind for the magic Maze (thanks Marky).
4. Debugging code silenced on the new Trial client.
5. Trial client allows scrolling of some of the data boxes (thanks Rat).
6. Some new sprites and fixed sprites added (thanks James).
7. A version of DxWnd has been included with the download folder to allow Aranock to run in a windowed format. Thanks to Speller/Marky.

17 April 2021
1. New client released with new sprites. Download the version that you want from the website.
2. Including sprites for the stacked scrolls. If you do not download the new client you will get sprite error messages whenever you see the stacked scrolls..
3. Scrolls stacker now automatically changes the sprite of a stack to indicate a stack or a full stack. This will take effect as soon as the scroll CGI is changed (which will be shortly).
4. Scroll stacks should not sort higher than normal scrolls and full stacks higher than stacks.
5. Step traps (like lab Cool now work with GCTOME flag.
6. Populate now generates the original spell scrolls now the "Old" scrolls when NPCs are created.
7. Pumpkins and Red Letters now generate the original spell scrolls now the "Old" scrolls.

9 April 2021
1. Stun being stopped by NPC attacking victim has been removed as this was open to mis-use
2. Purple players can no longer drop, give, transfer or trade platinum - purple only plat purchased items are still to be added
3. Dispel will always now preferentially dispel Stun first before any other spell - otherwise stun/dispel was way too powerful a combo
4. 20 Spell stack now reduced to max of 5 in a stack
5. Existing stacks > 5 still work but can not be added to
6. All stacks should now show how many items in the stack
7. Trading stacked items works. Be warned that selling a stack of scrolls to a shop will only yield the value of a single scroll.
8. Buying shop or traded scrolls does not add to a stack, they are stored individually in your inventory

7 April 2021
Purple update
1. Pent solves now give Purple Players the platinum as stones in their inventory.
2. Purple PvP now changed so that the victims no longer lose experience or their normal items.
3. Purple graves are lootable by the killer only if the victim is in a killable area. Temple sitting stops looting but they also can not save their own grave.
4. Purple deaths drop purple items - probably of dropping is controlled via command /purpledropitems as a % chance to drop. I suspect too high % will deter people.
5. There is a chance that the victim will lose all their carried gold (same as player normal death).
6. There is a chance that the victim could lose half their carried platinum, up to half of the platinum carried by their killer. If the killer has no platinum then the killer can not loot any platinum from the victim.
7. Purple PvP stun can not stun if victim is being attacked by NPC - not tested yet
8. acct2.ggi amended to show purple only items
9. Bug fixed in split and join platinum when plat count = 1000, 500 or 100.
10. Nospellscrolls flag added
11. Nospellscrolls command added for builder
12. Nospellscrolls flag added and enabled for Champ Quests
13. Purpledropitems command added to give the % chance of a purple PvP death dropping purple items

Soul Vacuum
14. teleport4 portal create with min/max rank. driver 132
15. Soul vacuum testing extended.
16. Savedsoulchange, savedsoulflag, savedcharzero commands added - hopefully never have to be used in anger
17. Portal with rank based limits added to enable portal to Training ground as a private.

Champion quest
18. Champ quest kindred flags set to use bit flags rather than decimal digits in acct2.cgi

19. Warcry on Rebirth retained.
20. Dispel changed to dispel bad spells on friends and good spells on enemies.

Stackable spell scrolls
21. Spell scrolls are now able to be stacked up to a maximum of 20 (if the IF_STACKABLE flag is set on).
22. Builders CGI list for all stackable item templates
23. Builders CGI list for all unique item templates

20 March 2021
1. The website lists have been changed to stop showing players in a Champion Quest, if the Show Time flag is Off.

14 March 2021
1. New god command /owner added to allow a god to change the ownership of an item.

12 March 2021
1. Warrior warcry raised to 105, may be adjusted again if its too strong/weak.
2. Bug with item ownership being corrupted fixed. If you have any corrupted items with the wrong owner created in the past 3 days see LazyWarrior ingame.

4 March 2021
1. /invade command enhanced to spread the drop of NPCs to lessen congestion
2. /invade sets creator so that imps can kill all spwn created at the end of the event
3. /invade sets specialgraves flag so that NPCs do not drop graves unles carrying something special/different
4. /killspawn modified to kill invasion spawn
5. Bulk character creator used to create special NPC for Ides Event.

20 February 2021
1. Clan areas modified to allow building up to within 1 square of the clan doors.
2. Error with Female Ninja sprite since Halloween fixed. If any other Female Ninjas have incorrect sprites then see one of the gods.

13 February 2021
1. Added a Staff CGI to allow any Staffer (with access) to be able to restart the server if it has crashed.
2. Added an Imp CGI to allow Imps (with access) to restart the server and also to be able to initiate Personal Quests.

10 February 2021
1. Warriors can now learn Warcry as an arch skill from VoD, it is capped at 75, you are still capped to 3 arch skills so some may need to get a skill removed if they want to use it, msg Lazywarrior or discord/forums or ingame and it can be removed for 50k for the next 2 weeks, or the normal 100k after that.
2. Warriors rest lowered to 60 max, warcry and rest may be changed in the future depending on how strong it is.

5 February 2021
1. Champion quest web list fixed. It looks like it has been broken since the PQ stuff was implemented.

4 February 2021
1. Special graves flag added for NPCs to stop then dropping graves unless they carry special items or have looted another grave. This can be set by builders.
2. Flag set on Grolm pents as a test.
3. If test is successful then it will be extended to the rest of the pents.
4. Thanks to RMC for pointing out the error in my calcs and the LW for suggesting a simpler solution

28 January 2021
1. Giant barbarian renamed to Barbarian King.

27 January 2021
1. PQ added for killing lich.
2. Giant barb no longer drops a red letter himself, only the chest and PQ.

25 January 2021
1. Castle Quest 6 - Sir Tor has been released.
2. Dragon boots are now available in the game (found at CQ6).

24 January 2021
1. New generic NPC special drivers added for friends and enemies.
2. Enemies may try to do nasty things (possibly).
3. It will no longer be lucky to do Prison chests or Cohors chests. Luck scrolls have been removed.
4. Imps and Trainee imps can not see item IDs, Templates and map addresses when looking at items.
5. Clan Hall areas and roads all now named. This means we can now turn on/off special portals in certain areas.

17 January 2021.
1. Clan Hall areas named properly. If you notice any anomalies then le me know.
2. Signs put outside the clan hall shops
3. Special portals changed to use the clan hall names (as opposed to the general clan hall section) to stop portals being created in inaccessible areas).
4. We can not turn on/off the spawning of these portals based on the map address

15 January 2021
1. teleport, teleport3 and use_castle_portal routines changed for the default recall points. This allows builder more control on where a player will recall to in a specific area.

9 January 2021
1. Changes made to upper Grolm pents so that they do not drop graves unless they are carrying something. Axes replaced by equivalent WV. Will test to see if this works and is an improvement.
2. /prizeroom command added for staffers to be able to reach and distribute prizes faster
3. Special portals (like alladin and xmas) can now be allocated dynamically by builders. This means their location can be changed without changing code.

8 January 2021
1. Error check on Mirror3 command that gave wrong message has been fixed.
2. Character data validation code added to Monster Lotto kill add to try to fix mysterious crash bug.
3. Trainee imps can now have infravision
4. Admin now have access to /checkcar and /checkchars commands to test for corrupted characters.
5. Website server info modified to show free disk space and give low disk space warning

2 January 2021
1. Moved map addresses that were hard coded to all being updateable via CGI. This now opens up more possibilities to play with maps in a more flexible way.

1. Fixed a number of missing Trainee Imp and Trainee Usurp commands
2. Added more debugging t0 the ML code to try to fix the random crashes

18 December 2020
1. Fists of heaven str req lowered to 90, now useable by Seyans and WLRB Necromancers.

17 December 2020
1. Lich added, he is in the catacombs under VoD, recommend 3 very well geared nobles he is roughly as strong or a bit harder than giant barbarian.
2. Gorn robes added to /armor, made from gorn fragments from lich.

15 December 2020
1. /amulet modified to add new items
2. /armour modified to add new items
3. Imp/builder command /xmas added to create Xmas portals
4. Imp/builder command /findxmas to find Xmas portals
5. /countportal command added to show how many Alladin and Xmas portals are active
6. countportal message added when you login
7. Frosty's cave and Xmas portals (snowmen) have been added.

29 November 2020
1. RD2 gem maximum increased from +12 to +14 and the probabilities slightly improved.
2. New builder commands/CGI to improve SIGHTBLOCK functionality.
3. More debug code added for Monster Lotto crash bug.
4. Greater god command to allow skills/attributes to be added to an item. Useful where testing accidentally destroys items. Smile

22 November 2020
1. Portal to spelling area added to Monster Lotto to help with spelling GCs on level 7-9.
2. More debug code added to help narrow down the bug that occasionally causes crashes in ML room.

21 November 2020
1. Changes to the La13 step portal to make them more generic and CGI controlled. These can now be reused elsewhere in the game.

7 November 2020
1. New builder commands added to help builder work quicker and easier
2. Initial debug lines added to Monster Lotto kill code to try to narrow down source of mysterious crashes
3. Clan floor space around the vault cleared. I do not have an active clan alt so it needs testing on add item, add carpet and destroy. No doubt I will hear if any of it fails.

6 November 2020
1. Gatekeeper fights can be viewed from Lab13. There is a special area created.
2. Cohors chests are now weighted so you are slightly more likely to get a certain piece of the belt from each chest.

4 November 2020
1. New area Memory Lane is added.
2. Amulet of Memories is added.

31 October 2020
1. 4 x Feast of Hallow Hallows Personal Quests (based on rank).
1.1 <=Sgt Maj = Haunted Castle
1.2 2ndLt to Col = Ruins
1.3 Brig to FDM = Valley f Death
1.4 Noble = Holding Cells
2. Image characters now respawn the same as normal characters. If grave the 1-2 mins after grave disappears. If no grave then 4-5 mins after death. Builders can override this time via data[102].

26 October 2020
1. Weekly PQ added for Prison, starts when you enter prison.
2. Monthly PQ added for killing Giant Barbarian, starts and finishes when you loot the chest.
2. Change to PQ bug for Oct month
3. PQ max experience limit of 99,999 replaced by 999,999.

18 October 2020
1. Updates added in preparation for the next release (details to be announced later)
2. Halloween, Christmas and Easter commands added to builder powers

22 September 2020
1. Giant barbarian hp increased, mana lowered slightly.
2. Giant barbarian respawn timer lowered significantly.

21 September 2020
1. New imp/builder command /maxhem to allow them to change the maximum hp/end/mana a player or NPC can have (from the current 999 limit).
2. new imp command /hpraise to allow an imp to increase the hp on an NPC or thrall (temporary change for Live Quests)
3. CGI changed to allow a builder to increase hp/end/mana on a specific NPC template (permanent change for that template). This can override /maxhem for that NPC.
4. Labb11 Barbarian step driver amended to make it generic. This allow Marty to reuse the code for his dastardly plans. If you notice any issues with the lab 11 trap let us know.
5. Acct2 CGI amended to reflect the above changes

19 September 2020
1. Pent ranks have been restored to old v2 values.
2. Means Ice Gargoyles and Sea Golems have higher ranks.
3. No change to fighting skill, just more kill exp.

18 September 2020
1. Emerald cave lizards have been converted from normal spawning to spawning with spawners, this should act nearly identical to their normal spawning, if you notice anything odd with them please report a bug.
2. Most emerald cave npcs have had their mana lowered by 200.

29 August 2020
1. /firstkill command added to should which classes of NPCs have not yet keel killed
2. Personal Quests (PQ) added - in Beta Testing and slowly going to be extended over time. Each quest will be given a unique Personal Quest ID (PQID). Description under announcements
3. /pqlist command added to show what quests you have current active
4. /pqarchive command added to who what PQs
5. /lastpq command added. This is a builder only command to be able to change the PQID.
6. /pqautocomplete <days> builder command to say how long after a quest is completed before it is auto completed at the player level.
7. /pqautodelete <days> builder command to say how long after a quest is completed before it is auto deleted.
8. /tempiniqpq command for greater gods added to initialise the POQ and CPQ tables
9. /sync command added for gods to be able to force a synchronisation of the data tables back to the disk files.
10.Alariana has been moved to a new house, just south of the Grave Yard and NE of the Market.
11.Olga has taken up residence in Alariana's old house, directly south of the temple. She often gives Personal Quests (PPQs).

June 28 2020
1. Bank depot no longer costs money to store items.

23 May 2020
1. Auto monster lotto rewards changed.
2. Champion weapon chests now show what the champion weapon looks like.

11 May 2020
1. Champion wand and dagger changed from +10 to +15 res to make up for them usually being SS

3 May 2020
1. Ninja changed to 90 max str, 105 max agi, 75 max stun. Considering more changes.

22 April 2020
1. Fixed Cohors Balteus exploration pole 125 that thought it was in the Lizard Gorge.

20 April 2020
1. GCTOME added to a number of teleport commands to bring your companions with you. Mainly admin teleport commands affected.

19 April 2020
1. New command /hand added to show stats for items with hand-to-hand skill

12 April 2020
1. The 3 kings have returned to their remote homelands
2. The 3 kings will now automatically appear when Christmas is turned on and go home when Christmas finishes

11 April 2020
1. Profession made Greater Healing potion is now obsolete. It has been replaced by the normal Greater Healing potion.
2. Profession made Greater Mana potion is now obsolete. It has been replaced by the normal Greater Mana potion.
3. The obsolete potions will still work as potions but they can no longer be used as a alchemy guides feed stock.
4. Sally and Sammy will trade in the obsolete potions for the new ones if required for the professions. They walk around in the market.

16 March 2020
1. /ipplayer enhanced to show Name, Rank, Kindred, Seen days, Auto del days and Last lab completed
2. New command /refresh alt added to allow a player to refresh all their alts or to just refresh one specifically.
.... /refreshalt all - Note that all your alts will appear on /who with the same logout time so they will therefore be public knowledge
.... /refreshalt Lordlava - allows you to just refresh a single alt

23 February 2020
1. Login welcome message colour changed
2. Login message for existing trades changed to advise how many trades exist on the trading post.
3. New command /ipplayer added to allow a player to see all the alts they have and last time they logged in

14 February 2020
1. RD2 gemstones increased to allow stats up to +12 and probability of high level gems increased

12 February 2020
1. Stat removal scroll added to Damor's shop, it will reduce a stat by 1 and req that stat gave for a soulstone or smithed piece of gear. /remove "skill/attribute/hp/end/mana" while holding item to use. This does not work on profession items added before this update.
2. MS scroll Sigurd used to sell is moved to Gina

11 February 2020
1. Castle Quest 5 released!

9 February 2020
1. 4 Byte Bug fix run. See details in a separate announcement. If there are any issues notice that relate to time or timers then please report it on the forum.

11 January 2020
1. New facility added to allow Evil Witch and others to be able to spawn season specific monsters.
2. An excel spreadsheet has been set up for fast mass changes of these monsters.
3. Invasion command amended to drop scrolls a bit faster
4. GC should now follow through clan portals. Note that I do not have a clan alt so I did not test this.
5. Merc shrine added to start of Lab 12.

January 6 2020
1. Dragon armor stats updated(+2 bless ew prot, and other misc changes) see /armor 4

29 December 2019
1. Cohors no longer has a max group limit
2. Purple thistle weapons adjusted and will be distributed every few months with combat arenas

8 December 2019
1. New attribute added to worn items and to characters to allow items to modify the Spell Power of a character.
2. Identify changed to show the Spell Power modifier if it exists on an item
3. Weapon and armour stats changed to show the Spell Power modifier if it exists
4. A number of system commands /idchar and /iditem changed to show Spell Power modifier if it exists
5. LazyW id now working on a new quest to utilise this now capability ... stay tuned.
6. Math caps changed to give +spellpower and slightly less +spell
7. An npc now runs around with one of the math caps, he will respawn in a different location every time the math cap disappears

20 November 2019
1. Lesser Spell Potion guide changed to make the prerequisites more appropriate.
2. Priest changed to a different group than the Temple Guards (and Lt Dan) to see if that stops Dan attacking Priest killers.

17 November 2019
1. Conditional portals changed to allow builder to specify if personal Companions can also use the portal.
2. Conditional Portals in Lost Cave changed to allow Companions to be transferred as well as the party.
3. Final portal left with Companion transfer turned off. A message will appear saying the party can not proceed with the companion. This was done because the final room was too small for a large party and their companions.

15 November 2019
1. Respawn of Companion templates no longer kills GCs with no trace if the owner is a player and still actively online.

02 November 2019
1. Slight adjustment to Aladdin portal rewards to include a few different things.

26 October 2019
1. Chest in kwai cellar changed to have a few different potions instead of gold.

20 October 2019
1. Haste/Greater haste potion added, created through alchemy(maybe chests soon) and increase your current speed. This will not change your max speed.

19 October 2019
1. Endurance/Greater endurance potions now give more endurance.

14 October 2019
1. Lesser spell potion now uses 2 rpots instead of a gpot to create.

13 October 2019
1. New command /maxt added to show the stats of the character template. Note the Rebirthed templates have not been added yet.
2. New quest for low levels templars to learn staff.
3. Seasoned wood quest now also gives an enchanted staff(low tier staff for spelling up for people without SS).

12 October 2019
1. /afk command now changes the appearance in the /who command.

10 October 2019
1. Ninja torch added as a trial.

24 August 2019
1. Dead Arch-Templar(necro quest) changed to skeleton sprite so it's easier to tell apart from the harakim.

19 August 2019
1. New command /showloc added to allow players to show their location on /who even if they are in a clan
2. Kwai Cellar location properly named
3. Dispel of Curse|Blind|Corrode|Poison no longer triggers pvp or attack

18 August 2019
1. Dual Wield critical hit modified so that when /surr is off, the poison crit will hit anyone attacking you (not just the person in front)
2. Removed spam messages from Poison and B2
3. You must transfer your companion before going necro, seyan, ninja or WLRB

15 August 2019
1. /sort changed to include sorting of soulstones
2. /explor command added to show all exploration poles not activated. /explor <page>
3. Lord Necro skeleton Companion reduced slightly
4. Dead Warrior Amulet increased meditate and duration (doubled from original time). It is still suggested that you may want to use gold to regen mana faster.

12 August 2019
1. Trial improving stats on Dead Warrior Amulet for Sword and Immunity.

02 August 2019
1. Fists of Heaven stats and requirements changed, now more of a defensive item for templars and warriors. stats in reply post to changelog.
2. h2h is now cheaper to raise on mercs(warr/sorc) and templars, this is so FoH is less expensive to use.

27 July 2019
1. Giant barbarian now spawns in the barbarian mountains.
2. Giant barbarian now has a chance of rewarding fragments of kwai(instead of madness ring, but at a much higher chance) which can be combined into the kwai ring.

1 July 2019
1. GC will now follow you into the Lost Cave through the Well Portal.

13 June 2019
1. Spelloverride added to Light spell

9 May 2019
1. New command /mlotto has been added.
Players can just type /ml.
This shows you when the next monster lotto will open/close.
Imps and above need to type /mlo as there is already a /ml command to open/close/adjust the lotto timing.
2. Tavern exit in Castle Quest 4 has been fixed.
3. Fixed bug when using heal/mana potion on a soulstone.

1 May 2019
1. Assassinate added to RoP

21 April 2019
1. Assassinate no longer checks if you have selected or deselected another character
2. Lab 9 riddletellers now transfer GC with you if you have /gctome turned on.

13 April 2019
1. Another gold bug that caused server to crash has been fixed.
2. Thanks again to Sneaky for accurate report of what caused it.
3. GC can follow you in and out of Monster Lotto portals.
4. GC will now follow you on a Waypoint scroll teleport.

11 April 2019
1. Gold bug that caused server to crash has been fixed.
2. Thanks to Sneaky for accurate report of what caused it.

4 April 2019
1. New command /gctome added to set gctome flag
If flag is activated, this allows your GC to follow you through portals and teleports
Disconnects do not cause your GC to recall but activating your recall scroll will
If you find any teleportals or scroll that do not work - let me know
2. /helpp updated for new command

11 February 2019
1. Check to delete corrupted items added.

16 December 2018
1. Pents changed to have lower counts when there are 2-4 people in pents
2. Aladdin command to fix bug on walk through walls and advice to imps using the command

9 December 2018
1. RD2 gem bug fixed where the skill/attribute was potential misaligned by 1.
2. Old gems will still have this bug and old rings using old gems will also be incorrect.
3. Players have the option of trading in old rings/gems (created b4 today) to any god.
4. Gems will be replaced by gems of the same level and the same skill/attribute minus 1.
5. Rings will be replaced by a blank gold ring and the same number of gems as were on the old ring. All the gems will be at the max level of the old ring. The players will have the option to replace the gems with the same attribute/skill of the same minus 1.
6. I have tried to find all the old rings in RD2 but it is possible a few may have escaped and been looted.

5 December 2018
1. Critical hit curse changed to curse all attacking surrounding enemies (provided Ninja has the SH skill)
2. Critical hit curse formula & base power changed

3 December 2018
1. Lena added to Castle Forecourt to sell lock picks.
2. She also gives a reminder to wash your hands after crossing the Lava River.
3. Ninja strength raised to 75 (further changes being tested on test server)
4. Last 3 Ninja belts requirements changed

28 November 2018
1. Compulse spell changed to allow identification of individual compulsed NPCs
2. Geronimo command changed to show remaining life.

22 November 2018
1. Assassinate no longer loses focus

17 November 2018
1. Bug fix for /switch and Ninja belts.

6 November 2018
1. Ninja belts modified to block using weapons, shields or torches in either hand.

4 November 2018
1. Assassinate quest for Ninjas added to /data command
2. /listskill command extended to include assassinate
3. Ninja sprite fixed when special events (e.g. Halloween) changes
4. RD2 "unknown" gem fixed (I hope as it is a bit hard to test)

29 Oct 2018
1. Minor bug fix for Ninja - Immunity quest fixed.

28 Oct 2018
1. Ninja released!
2. New client released with sprites and other minor changes.

8 Sept 2018
1. Modify Karate skill
2. Add Assassinate spell
- Trigger a guaranteed Vicious Critical Hit on 1st strike
3. Remove Fireball spell (Note the client will still say Fireball instead of Assassinate)
4. Modify Karate Critical Hit
- Probability of a crit hit improved by modified Assassinate skill
- Karate can cast a weak curse when it triggers a Vicious Critical Hit. This curse is modified by Karate and Assassinate skills)
- Weak curse is not affected by Resist, Immunity or Harden
These changes are now being tested live with select players

1 July 2018
1. Fixed bug with Profession skill that was blocking the use of the scrolls.

20 June 2018
1. Old spells added to client download as an option. Zipped up in the gfx folder. You will need to re-download the client to get them.

17 June 2018
1. New client updated. I must have copied a semi final version. If you downloaded since 14 June you will need to do it again.

16 June 2018
1. Byron will now sell staves in the market.
2. WV of some staves changed to be closer to axes, highest tier staff still the same

14 June 2018
1. A new client and sprite pack has been uploaded to the website. This client expands the maximum number of available sprites and adds thousands of sprites that will now be available for builders to use.

13 June 2018
1. Cave amulet special regen increased(still lower than ankh amulet but higher than prison)

10 June 2018
1. /save command modified to allow LW and other special admin to be able to save and retrieve a lost moa file in case LL is absent
2. A large number of code changes to remove errors and warnings when compiling the code on Linux Centos. Maybe one day we may upgrade operating systems to the 21st century.

31 May 2018
1. New help system changed from /help2 to /help. Old help system can be access via /help2. Old help is no longer being maintained.

30 May 2018
1. /rings command amended to show AV/WV if applicable (e.g. /rings 3)
2. /restart command added to give warning on server restart

28 May 2018
1. Npcs can now have their stat difficulties adjusted to make them appear higher ranked, this is mostly intended for pents and sewers where kill exp is relevent. We will slowly be updating their ranks to be as close to what they were before.
2. New builder command /findchar to allow a character to find all the characters built from a specific template.

27 May 2018
1. All rooms in AT should now have proper ranks, should no longer block doors, and their spawners should not be targetable anymore.
2. Giant barb respawn timer significantly increased, chance of getting kwai's ring from him significantly increased.

19 May 2018
1. Abandoned town has been converted to use mob spawners, this is currently only for the first 2 ranks incase there is some bug we missed it can be easily undone, in a few days I will convert the rest of the rooms if no bugs are found.
This will allow us to stop them from random pathing directly in front of doors(but they can still walk there) and I will be able to fix their ranks to what they should be now.
Minor bug that should be fixed soon is being able to shift click them, they will have something to make them unclickable soon.
Please report any bugs you find with the AT rooms.

12 May 2018
1. RD2 gem drop probability increased and max ring increased to level 11. More tweaks may follow as it continues to be monitored.
2. NPC mob spawner implemented. This will be live trialled.
3. Soul vacuum implemented. This will be live tested over a period to ensure nothing significant is los when we remove your soul and store it in a jar or try to merge your old soul and your new soul back again.
4. Builder mode should no longer risk destroying a builders inventory when more than one builder is active.

20 April 2018
1. Cave quest children now set to good alignment (9999), meaning you should not now be accidentally able to hit them.. They will be like merchants (10000) except if you do deliberately hit/kill them, Peacekeepers will not appear and you will not lose luck and alignment.
2. Changes added to make ready for the new sprite pack to be released soon,

2 April 2018
1. Probability of dropping RD2 gems increased.
2. Probability of getting a higher ranked gem increased.
3/ /gargoyle and /garbage commands reversed (affects imps only)

24 March 2018
1. Lesser and Greater spell pots require less alchemy to make.
2. Greater spell potions now last longer.

17March 2018
1) RD2 gems max limit increased from 9 to 10. The limit and frequency will continue to be reviewed over time.
2) God command (/depotcostfactor) added to allow the cost of the bank depot fees to be able to be changed dynamically
3) God command (/depotcount) added to show the number of players who store items in the inventory, bank depot and personal depot.

5 March 2018
1. Bug with mana cost of B2 from last update has been fixed - hopefully.

28 February 2018
1. Small changes to B2, C2 and WC.
2. Max cap on the RD2 rings removed and the chance of dropping the rings has been reduced. This means that if we increase the max levels on the gems, they will be able to be added to existing rings rather than having to start again.

10 February 2018
1. 2nd door in lab 12 has been removed, it now requires 2 less gems to finish the lab.
2. 1 librarian from each area in lab 9 will now attack on sight.
3. Champion ice gargoyle made slightly weaker.

4 February 2018
1. RD2 opened for test trial of a few days.
2. Updates to drop rates and levels of gemstones and rings
3. /rd1 and /rd2 staffer commands added
4. Date created added to all characters
5. Few more bits added to the logs

February 3 2018
1. You can now use shrines at the end of the last castle quests to access previous castle quests again in exchange for some gold, you cannot get the solve bonus of a castle quest twice, this is for dragon armor/missed poles.

29 January 2018
1. Bug with autodelete of inactive uniques fixed. There may still be corrupted items from this remaining. Please /garbage them if found.
2. Verbose messages from the Blind spell removed from the logs.

16 Jan 2018
1. Al of the Lab 9 switch riddles and riddle tellers have now been converted to the new system. If you notice any issues let me know.

1 Jan 2018
1. Quiz switches and Quiz Riddles implemented and progressively going live. This will allow builders the ability to change and add questions or new switches/riddlers dynamically.
2. Lab 9 1st bank of switches now using the new system. Hopefully you will not notice the difference yet. The rest of Lab 9 switches and riddlers will follow soon.
3. Cave children changes implemented. If you create a new duplicate child it will remove the original child of the same name.
4. C2, B2 and SH2 should no longer affect your children (unless you are an imp).
5. Ring of madness drop chance increased.

10 December 2017
1. Quiz switches added to game to allow builders to dynamically add/change switches and switch riddles (like lab 9 switches)
2. /sprite command modified to allow new sprites to be able to be used (note this will not work with the existing client)
3. Supporting beam auto delete removed.
4. /serverlag command opened for all players for the server to tell them when it is lagging (as opposed to the internet lagging).
5. Bug fixed to log name if a character fails to be created
6. Bug fixed on fake door locking. Fake door lock testing extended to quiz doors.
7. Small changes to CGI with respect to sorting, time stamps and online help.

November 11 2017
1.Giant barbarians chance of dropping madness ring increased.

October 4 2017
1. Tower 18 (Candle puzzle) is no longer possible to skip with invis walls.

September 14 2017
1. Superior spell potion now lasts a few more minutes and has more recent spells.
2. Lesser and Greater spell potions are now create-able with alchemy. These are not the same as superior spell potions, they give slightly different effects. -See website for recipe or go buy a guide from the alchemy npcs.

September 12 2017
1. Giant barbarian always drops 2 scrolls again.
2. Crit removed from giant barbarian.

28 August 2017
1. /spelloverride command added to allow a player to over ride a more powerful bless/protect/enhance spell. [new feature]
2. Changes to the order that spell modifiers and character max spells are checked. [bug fix]
3. NPC spell bonus truncation fixed [bug fix]
4. /help2 command updates implemented. Once trial period is complete this will replace the /help command. [new feature]

August 20th 2017
1. Some cosmetic changes around town - Motoko

August 17th 2017

1. The server sync has been adjusted to be a 15 second warning message before the lag begins
2. Casino rewards improved slightly

August 16th 2017

1. Blind mana cost has been increased from 30 to 50. For a character with ~140 mod concentrate blind was previously about 15 mana, now it will be 25 or so.
2. Squashed some bugs, some of which were serious and could crash the server.
3. Repair no longer removes /sw from an item.
4. Some other enhancements were made that dont effect gameplay.

August 15 2017

1. Necromancers have lost the harden ability and have been compensated the experience spent in it.
2. Necromancer magic shield/protection have been increased back to 75. (85 for rebirth, 90 for RB2)
3. Winged boots stealth bonus has been reduced from 30 to 15.
4. Warrior stealth has been increased to 75 base (85 for rebirth, 90 for RB2).
5. Sense magic for Necro/Warrior/Sorc/arch templars increasd to 90, 100 for Rebirth, 105 for Rb2. EXP cost to raise the skill for arch templars is now the same as other races, it was significantly more previous. - this is to help sense item drops.

Please provide feedback on these changes to Motoko as he is responsible, please do not rage at Lordlava Razz

August 13 2017

1. Casino prices have been reduced by another 10% or so.
2. Champion Ice Garg has been made significantly stronger.
3. Dreadling Dukes have been made slightly stronger.
4. Dreadling Prince has been made slightly stronger.
5. Purple Priest now has mana to cast spells, thus is slightly stronger. He now also faces the entrance of the temple as he should've for the last 20 years.

August 10 2017.

1. Q1 Graveyard has been made easier to navigate.
2. Bronze blank guide now requires a tin bar instead of an ore (this was a bug)
3. Added an EXP pole to Aranock Sea, no idea how this was missing, I must've forgot.

August 4 2017 - Keep in mind everything is subject to change if we feel it is necessary.


1. All Casino scrolls have had their prices reduced by about 10%
2. Added a mini tavern to the Casino
3. A Sage for the Purple One has been added to his temple. Purple players only, everything else is the same. This may change in the future.
4. /Shownodeath no longer hides your clan.

1. Dual wield poison crit has been improved for Warriors only. We have other plans for Arch templars.
2. Arch temp perception has been increased to 70. So a WL rebirth would be 80, 85 for 2nd rebirth, etc.
3. Warrior perception has been increased to 70. So a WL rebirth would be 80, 85 for 2nd rebirth, etc.
4. Specific monsters (Bosses and some others) now cannot be dispelled. Beware.
5. Heal spell exhaust has been increased by 0.5 seconds. Beware

August 1 2017

1.Western portal in clan hall changed to go to the Clan Master.

July 29 2017

1. Improved experience rewards of some of the town quests and in Lancelot Village (Lowbie quests unchanged) - Go kill some spiders and bring their heads to Garna!
2. Some lower rank treasure chests have had their drops slightly improved.

July 24 2017

1. Added weighted chests, easier for us to change the droprate of items now.
2. Undead Companion now has Surround Hit II default ON. (This also applies to Ghost and Skele but they do not have the skill)
3. Giant barbarian now has a very rare item drop...

July 20 2017

1. Giant barbarian added running around SF. He may not kill you on sight yet as he is busy looking for something, if I were you I wouldn't get in his way...
He has some loot for now, long respawn, and EXTREMELY STRONG. Another item will be added to him shortly.
EDIT: Made him less stealthy, he was too hard to even find.

18 July 2017

1. Clan rent increased a bit to based on supply/demand and to encourage clans to be more active farmers.

July 17 2017

1. Shadow helmet Respawn time greatly reduced, chance of finding slightly decreased.
2. Fire and Ice Sets adjusted again, attempting to make them offensive/defensive armor sets rather than just +BWIAS sets.
3. Abandoned town areas now have their rank in /who

July 14 2017

1. Fixxed bugs related to controllable clan doors.
2. change to /seen, shows hours if under 3 days.
3. Adjustments to fire and ice set in an attempt to make them slightly more useful and unique.

July 13 2017

1. Unique auto delete for inactivity changed from 90 days to 30 days.
2. Fire armor, Math caps, Ice armor all changed to 6 months aging even when offline or on carpet.
3. Shadow helmet chance to spawn significantly increased. It was way too rare.

June 23 2017

1. Warlord Rebirth 2 is live, see announcements 2nd Warlord Rebirth for info.
2. This is an older change but Warlord Rebirths have 80 weeks Auto-delete time regardless of rank.
3. Npcs can go over 300 mod if designed to now, beware!

June 13 2017

1. Greater Replenishing Potions reverted back to restoring 500 endurance.

June 7 2017

1. Clan rank 2 is no longer builder and can no longer buy clan building scrolls.
2. Custom clan doors added, they cost 12.5k plat and can be set to allow any rank, and up to 8 specific people access to a clan door. Leaders can type /clandoor for a list of commands.
3. /use no longer works when stunned.
4. Group portals now inform you if there is grouping restrictions in the area you have entered.
5. Poles now inform you if you will receive reduced exp when looking at them.
6. Castle quest now properly resets on race change or rebirth. If anyone has rebirthed/changed race before this and not had their Quest reset, we will offer a reset of their castle quest data.
7. Staff now has access to a command to tell when the server is lagging or if it is just players lagging.
8. Minor bug fixs.

June 6 2017

1. Prison tokens have been added to prison. These tokens can be used in stacks of 4 to purchase prison armor, and stacks of 6 for a prison amulet. You can obtain these tokens from prison chests or from turning in prison armor.
The npcs to use the tokens with are in a house in prospect peak. BEWARE, they cannot be unstacked currently, max stack of 6.

May 20 2017

1. Ice champion has been made slightly stronger.
2. Ratling king has been made slightly stronger and his respawn time has been halved.
3. Currently working on RD2 balance but major balance changes to the races may need to be addressed prior to any public release.

May 19 2017

1. The leading rule has been changed, group portals have been placed infront of quests, special items, and high exp(from poles or firstkills, alternatively some poles have min ranks now) areas.
Leading in pentagram quest or the starting town quests is still illegal.
We will monitor how this goes and adjust where the portals are if needed or revert the rule change if it abused too heavily in ways we did not intend.

May 2 2017

1. Dragon armors moved to 1 minute respawn chests.(So big groups don't have to wait long periods of time for their armor)

April 22 2017

1. Cave quest children have been given resistance to blind lowering heal, a cave amulet, and no longer drop any items on death. It should now be possible if you aggro them(via using aoe skills) but still difficult, hopefully can fix it to be fair without stun soon.

April 9 2017

1. Windows, Custom signs, and chest plans have been added to clan merchant. The chests last 1 month and have a 6 hour respawn.
2. You can no longer replace an object in your clan hall with another object, you must now break it down with a hammer first. The reasoning for this is because it caused a bug where flags were not being removed.

February 13 2017

1. Argha's head and the other items with the same sprite are now single age to prevent a glitch with their sprite.

February 8 2017

1. Suspicious note quest now has a min rank.

January 26 2017

1. Titanium dragon armor AV changed from 9 to 10.
2. Warlord Rebirth area moved to the end of castle quest, it now has a room made for it, and signs saying what each rebirth will do.

23 January 2017

1. Bug where Warlord Rebirth did not reset the Castle quest has been fixed.

17 January 2017

1. /silence command added to quieten those pesky NPCs
2. /summon added for imps, provided they do not abuse the power.

January 16 2017

1. Ice Two-Handed Axe no longer has lab-destroy flag if you wish to use it as a weapon for whatever reason.
2. Nomagic tiles added around end of prison portal to prevent people from being able to bypass the nomagic on the other side.

January 15 2017

1. Castle Quests now set your recall after touching the second portal at the start of the quest.
2. Prison chests have higher chances of good drops.

13 January 2017

1. Changes to casting GCs and how GCs attack to stop them attacking their NPC masters and other group members.

12 January 2017

1. Castle Quest counter changed due to field clash with townriddler. All completed castle quests reset back to zero. Hopefully the castle quest counter will not reset randomly now.

January 12 2017

1. All tower reward chests now portal you to temple and only have a 10 second cooldown. There is still 2 chests for the Ring of Prophets, first one portals you to second.

January 9 2017

1. Castle Quest 4 released.

January 8 2017

1. Locations and which pieces of dragon armor you can find changed.
2. Fixed a bug with Sir lucan's helm being a chest armor.

January 7 2017

1. Changes to Sea Grolms probability for dropping items so that this can be applied now to other NPCs with varying probability.
2. Changes to Q4 Court Guards respawning after timer expired.

January 6 2017

1. Castle quest 1 is less rng, more changes to come to castle quests soon.

January 5 2017

1. Ring of the Prophets now has blind, undead companion, and skeleton companion. This comes with a 1 time repair(as a result of changing the item)
2. Chests have timers again.(unique chests do not have timers)

January 4 2017

1. ID spell will now show the owner of an item, if it is owned.
2. Teleport chests will now add the name of the owner to special items, like an ankh ammy or FoH.
3. Nightvision and underwater speaking potions require less alchemy now.
4. Underwater speaking potion slightly cheaper to make. EDIT:changed again to be a completely different recipe.
5. Website lists no longer show gods, imps, builders in high performance lists.
6. Purple characters can now see their own location in /who.

January 1 2017

1. Profession scrolls no longer get destroyed on use, they now cost gold per use.
2. Website table showing the wealthiest members of our society in terms of accumulated gold.

December 31 2016

1. Fixed Blind not landing on clan members in areas where they should be able to fight.
2. Fixed other minor bugs.

December 29 2016

1. You can now be saved from Poison and Drowning.
2. You can no longer use the /purple command outside of purple temple to fix a bug.

December 26 2016

1. Christmas balls are now magic items and show up to perception.
2. Warcurse replaced with Warcry debuff which lowers armor.
3. Warcry now costs 100 end (Some more changes to armor reduction and cost may happen, this is being tested for now.)
4. Greater replenishing potions now give 200 endurance. (was 500,this is to counteract the lowered cost of warcry)
5. Warcry now has a short exhaust.
6. Blast improved.

October 16 2016

1. Several high rank bosses have been modified slightly and some can critical hit now.

October 15 2016

1. Shiva has a new friend who patrols. Beware. His other guards have also had their stats modified.

October 11 2016

1. Abandoned scrolls now expire after 15 minutes. This is to prevent exploits with warlord rebirth.

October 9 2016

1. Slight improvements to monsters in RD.

October 7 2016

1. Tit TH sword, mana amulet, and belt of hp are no longer deemed magical items when searching graves.
2. Warlord poles now have a min rank requirement.
3. Ice egg has a min rank requirement to turn it in.
4. Prospect peak portal added in Blue ogre Inn.
5. Seyan shrine added in Necro quest after first enemy.(This shrine will not give extra wv, it is just to get the Seyan sword.)
6. 1 handed axes do more damage now, but cannot vic while dual wielding.(1 handed axes exist for better scaling than swords, str str agi, and the easier ability to swap to it from 2h axes.)
7. Random teleports in Q1 and Q2 less random.
8. Some enemies in Q1/Q2 weakened slightly.

October 6 2016

1. All gems/rings that can be mined have had their value increased to improve mining in general.
2. White guardian no longer has rings and has been made tougher to compensate.

October 5 2016

1. Lost cave has been improved.

October 4 2016

1. Lost cave quest now has a better probability of giving you a good item at the end.
2. Lost cave gold entry amount reduced.
3. George, Julie and James(Lost cave npcs) buffed.

October 3 2016

1. Sign added near tavern in temple.
2. 2 floors removed from the Haunted Tower. This was long overdue, sorry about that.

October 2 2016

1. Casino scrolls now teleport you instantly.

September 30 2016

1. Chests in higher ranks of AT can't drop Gmanas anymore.
2. FDM EXP scrolls in AT have been slightly improved.

September 26 2016

1. Barbarian King sword is now sold by Karl(Not useable as key in lab 11) The one in lab 11 is still currently usable as well.
2. Ice and Fire armor buffed again. Ice armor given defensive buffs, Fire armor given wv.
3. Math hats buffed to be useful for something other than spelling up.
4. Shiva's guards have grown in numbers.
5. Everwood teleport rng is slightly less rng.
6. Shield quest has been made easier.
7. Abandoned town terrain improved and less cluttered.

September 25 2016

1. Flower farm staff/wand portals have been labeled with where they lead to.
2. Nomonster added over the traps in Seasoned woods, monsters shouldn't be at the start of the quest as a result of them anymore.

September 23 2016

1. Skeletons removed from the hallway entrance to abandoned town.

September 22 2016

1. 1 handed axes added, these may be removed or changed if it is determined they are too good or never used.Most of them are sold by Liam
2. Sunken Ship's boss now uses 1h plat axe, it is only obtainable there right now.
3. Ice and Fire armor stats buffed to be about as good as normal gear.
4. Infravision potion added, craftable with alchemy.

September 21 2016

1. Added a small quest to the graveyard area of town.

September 20 2016

1. Small new side area added, Sunken ship. It is located in the Underwater smuggler house. Intended for ranks around Br-gen.
2. Nofight area added at the 3 tiles at the entrance of AT to fix a bug.
3. Second chest added for Ring of the Prophets, Reset time doubled.

September 17 2016

1. Giving Garna spider heads now gives you a scroll that gives a small amount of luck.
2. Underwater speaking potions are now craftable with alchemy. Infravision potions will be added shortly.
3. /Listskill command added, will show what mods what skill.
4. Azrael's bones will be readded at a random time sometime soon. Same location as it was before it was removed. It sometimes contains the Helmet of Shadows!

September 12 2016

1. Fixed bug with the Weaponsmith in prison not respawning properly.

September 5 2016

1. NoMagic areas in casino removed.

September 3 2016

1. Redback now has 15 base resistance, previously 0.
2. Dragon's breath has been modified to increase barter.
3. Consolation chests added to Cohors balteus end.

August 27 2016

1. Hall of heroes is open, new Warlorded rebirth characters will be added in the order they reach warlord, all statues up to #34 are kept in back.
Located in memorial park.

August 24 2016

1. Added a sign at Warlord Rebirth house to make it easier to find.

2. Hall of heroes was changed to be for Warlorded rebirth characters, all old statues will be moved to the back. Should be open soon.

August 18 2016

1. Solving pents will now give you 10 Hp/End/Mana. This change will be monitored and may be increased or decreased if it seems to be too low or high.
It is currently set low but is likely to raise, feedback would be helpful in determining how much it should give.

2. Clan rent scrolls are now destroyed by the labyrinth portal, we might make them destroyed by more portals.

August 15 2016

1. Abandoned town Gen and FDM scroll carriers respawn time reduced, this was changed a few days ago but needed to confirm which were changed.

August 13 2016

1. Clan & Purple kill shouts added.

2. Clan scroll & Waypoint added in underwater pentagram quest.

3. Clan scroll for Tavern of the Blue Ogre removed to make space for underwater pent scroll.

August 6 2016

1. Warlord rebirth is live, see post in announcements for details.

2. Profession scrolls now have a min rank of 2nd lt, and some exp scrolls have a min rank.

3. Champion Necromancer Sword added.

July 29 2016

1. Necromancer changes are live. These may be changed if they appear to be too weak or strong.
Resistance and immunity from 120 to 105.
Protection and Magic shield from 75 to 60.
Skua call removed from ghost companions.
Skeleton GC H2H from 75 to 85.
Skeleton GC Stun from 80 to 105, and difficulty from 4 to 3.
Undead GC Meditate from 75 to 90.
Skeleton and GC Meditate Difficulty from 3 to 2.
Blind now affects heal.
Some enemies are immune to blind's heal lowering, only abandoned town skeletons for now.
Blind has had a formula change to be weaker if the enemy is lower mod than you.(to stop people from bringing enemies to 1 heal easily.)

June 12 2016

1. Switch was changed to a chat command /switch. Switch now supports 16 switch groups and having items in multiple groups.

2. /Shownodeath command added, if toggled will hide your deaths when looked at.

3. Champion barbarian sword added.

4. Some bug fixes with clans and founders.


1. Archtemplars have been made stronger. Their spell bonus is now 1.025% instead of 0.95%, their enhance weapon now maxes at 35 instead of 30. This is to help in solo play, slightly. This is under evaluation and can be adjusted as needed.

2. Warrior braveness now maxes at 90. This is under evaluation and can be adjusted as needed.

We are trying to balance the classes prior to warlord rebirth release.

3. There is no race limitation on cohors balteus anymore, 3 sorcerors can go in the same group assuming they can group each other.

4. Ice cloak now has a minimum rank of colonel.


1. The casino now has more capability. Please gamble responsibly!


1. The Casino is being worked on again and has a new guest... need some code changes before I can really get it going.


1. Warcry has been made stronger (Beware enemies that use it, but this is mostly geared to help arch templars)

Feb 15 2016
1. Minor decorations around town inside houses.


1. This was done a few weeks back but forgot to post, but death traps now consider luck and you can be saved now when stepping on a death trap (such as magic maze, spikes, etc)

Feb 13 2016
1. Gpot chest timers changed (various changes to lower times)
2. Visual timers added to each chest

Feb 2 2016
1. Rpot and Gpot chest times amended (mainly to between 2 hours and 6 hours)

Jan 31 2016
1. One handed axes (emerald to platinum) added - stats still to be set and NPCs that use them need to be added
2. Champion one handed axe sprite updated to correct champion sprite.

Jan 28 2016
1. Major changes implemented in preparation for RD2.
2. New NPC skills and critical hit options added.
3. Champ Q 4 fix implemented.
4. Plus a stack of other minor changes.


1. Since it's winter and cold outside the brewmasters have made mana lite, dragons breath, and astonian ale last longer. Drink up!


1. A waypoint has been added to the Abandoned Town courtyard.
2. The repeatable quests in gorn/kwai hall now offer slightly better EXP rewards.
3. The Purple One's power and influence on the town has grown.


1. Abandoned town two highest rank areas now will give slightly more exp on average.


1. The Purple One's temple has been improved - more to come.


1. GC has been made stronger
2. Abandoned town (two highest ranks) scrolls are now slightly better.

Jan 2, 2006

1. Companion spell amended to make the mana related to the mod power of the spell. The biggest winners will be low ranks when the cast GC (16 mana required at private). The biggest losers will be high ranked GCs without concentrate (about Col Hara).
2. The GC stats have been changed. This will mainly be a benefit at higher ranks where the NPCs can cast curse and stun.
3. The companions (GC, undead and skele) will now advise you if the have been abandoned and died and let you know what you have lost. Normal deaths in combat do not get reported.
4. Dispel on other characters changed.


1. Compulse limited to a max of 3 NPCs. - This will be reviewed over time.
2. Ghost Companion has been made stronger. They should also follow their master better now (Hopefully).


1. Skua scrolls now are 350 power.
2. The spell exhaustion for Blast 1, Dispel Magic, Curse, Curse 2, and Stun were adjusted slightly. More spells and other abilities will be adjusted accordingly. The objective here is for better game balance between all the races.
3. Random teleports in flower farm were changed to be less annoying.
4. Purple One's donations at his temple have increased and the temple is currently undergoing renovations.


1. Shiva's powers have grown.


1. Random spawner tiles have been removed from abandoned town entrance because they were annoying.
2. Some other minor bugs have been squashed/things fixed.


1. Shiva's power has grown.
2. Tower ending is now more difficult (Final fight)
3. Janitors have been made weaker.


1. Several no attack zones in town have been removed, this is to hopefully increase more clan PVP.


1. Emerald Cave has been improved. It is also now slightly harder to complete.
2. Some chests have been improved in multiple areas.


Last edited by LazyWarrior on Tue Jan 18, 2022 6:27 pm; edited 2 times in total
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