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 Re-writing astonia v2 from scratch? 

Joined: 27 Jul 2024
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Location: Singapore
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Is it time to completely overhaul and revamp the current version of Astonia V2, or are there other ways to improve the game without starting from square one? What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of starting fresh versus building on the existing foundation?
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Joined: 14 Apr 2016
Posts: 113
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What would you want to improve that would require a complete overhaul?
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Joined: 03 Sep 2016
Posts: 48
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Zarro has done his own version of V2, it's been up for a few yrs now. (The Last Gate (Discord) (V2))

Still uses the original engine but heavily modified.
It doesn't have a website/forum, everyone is in a discord for announcements, downloads and chats.

I won't put a direct link to the discord here as bots might scan/flood it.
You can find the link on the Astonia main page -
Listed under: The Last Gate (Discord) (V2)

The main issue people feel is the CLIENT side.
The server still runs well for what it needs to do, though the code is often referred to as spaghetti.
In terms of re-vamping, it just needs to be ported to a framework to assist in ease of use or new features.
Daniel (Ishtar) recently re-released the client for V3 which uses SDL2 to make it scale to higher resolution, more features etc.
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