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 Barb King/ lich 

Joined: 30 Nov 2016
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Any chance of the respawn time being reduced to 4 hours? It's frustrating when someone kills them and you can't get a look in when you play the game. People have set times they can play and if they aren't spawned it takes forever to get a shot at a fragment
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Joined: 01 Sep 2016
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Do you mean you go and check and nothing?

you can use
/seen Lich
/seen "King Barbarian"

If it says they are not a player, they alive.
If it says I've never heard of XXX they are dead.
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Joined: 30 Nov 2016
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No I mean the respawn time is 8 hours and if I kill him no one gets a chance to get a fragment for another 8 hours and vice versa. 4hr respawn would give better chance for him to be available to fight
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Joined: 01 Sep 2016
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Exodus wrote:
No I mean the respawn time is 8 hours and if I kill him no one gets a chance to get a fragment for another 8 hours and vice versa. 4hr respawn would give better chance for him to be available to fight

I think bosses should be on a odd-hour spawn so it does change during the week, instead of 8hrs being same time 3x a day, but that being said its not like ur camping the 8hour window Razz
There have been times when he has been alive for days.

Lich has been up for the last 4hrs ive been online, hes enjoyin his time alive.
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Greater God
Greater God

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Why is the Robe soulbound?

The Lord of Molten Rocks
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Joined: 02 Jun 2016
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Probably to discourage sharing around for spells among people? The fragments are tradable though, so it isn't really precluding anyone from trading for those. A shorter interval between spawns should probably have a little bit of variance to it plus or minus some percent of the interval period just to prevent pre-clearing and monopolization though.
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Baron of Aranock
Baron of Aranock

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Lordlava wrote:
Why is the Robe soulbound?

The robe isn't soulbound, you must be looking at a different item or something.
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Brigadier General
Brigadier General

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The scroll to get the robe is soulbound, perhaps that's what you saw, LL?
Which makes sense, since they are linked to a monthly PQ.

Fragments and robe themselves are fine.
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Greater God
Greater God

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Sorry typo in my question:

Why is the robe (and its components) NOT soul bound?

It effectively means end game items can be shared to lower alts and other characters not able to get them.

The Lord of Molten Rocks
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Second Leutenant
Second Leutenant

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They can aslo be sold or traded for other items/scrolls. Very Happy

Erhmm. Ehy!
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Baron of Aranock
Baron of Aranock

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It's not soulbound because lich/barb/shiva items are all items u would typically get when you're pretty much done with your character so they don't really serve a purpose once u get them unless they're not bound. Also they're hard enough to get & usefull so they're good to use for trading.
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Joined: 02 Jun 2016
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I suppose a problem with the current setup is that it actually disincentivizes participation because there is little reason to go through the trouble of multiple copies when they can be shared. From my own experiences the fragments seem to be rare, which combined with the shareability of the finished product would further disincline someone to bother, as no one likes potentially wasting resources on things mostly gained elsewhere.

As for the lower alts things I don't see much issue there we already have examples to work with such as professions. Being able to craft gear up to +18 with no rank restrictions is conveying an advantage to someone's alt that they wouldn't be able to to obtain otherwise. Whether you are paying or working for the fragments and finished artifacts there is a substantial cost in your time. There is likewise a great cost to your time and sanity going fully down the profession path. In both instances the player should have the opportunity to apply that effort into their characters I would think. I just don't think they should be able to freely share the finished product in this instance because the act of creating it assures the product versus the random stats of crafted gear along with the participation reasoning.

tl;dr the power gamers most likely to participate wont do it due to being able to share what they already have. soulbind the finished artifacts but allow fragments to be traded.
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Baron of Aranock
Baron of Aranock

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I can make them all soulbound but it would suck for anyone who farmed them with the idea they'd be able to use it on all their alts.
I disagree that there is little reason to go through it once u have the items, u can trade the fragments & the stat scrolls that drop are easily worth the time it takes if your group knows what they're doing.
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Greater God
Greater God

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OK I will bow out and leave them unbound.

LW up to you if you want to change the timer,

The Lord of Molten Rocks
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Second Leutenant
Second Leutenant

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I see now a new robe has my char name in it vs others did not. Was there a change and are they soulbound now?
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