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 Senior Player CGI Menu 
Greater God
Greater God

Joined: 16 Mar 2016
Posts: 1558
Location: The Land Down Under
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A new password protected Senior Player CGI Menu web link has been added to allow selected senior, long standing, responsible, well known and respected, currently active players or former admin to be able to restart the server in the case of the server crashing.

It currently has 3 options for an Emergency Server Restart.

1. Restart a crashed server
This only works if server crashed and is not currently running.
If you run this whilst the server is actually running you will just send dozens of errors messages to the log file, hopefully not causing it to actually crash.
Only run this step if the server just crashed (as it will attempt to clear and by-pass the dirty bit flag).
Do not run this option if the server is up and running.

2. Kill server
Shut down a server normally that is running.
This will only work if it was started from theses Apache CGI webpages and script.
"Root" owns the server is used to start/stop the game normally.
"Apache" owns the web pages.
Root is more powerful than Apache.
Apache can not stop a process started by Root but Root can stop a process started by Apache.
Do not try to stop the server using this method unless you just restarted it after a crash (step 1).

3. Restart a server that shut down normally (as in Killed in step 2)
This will not work if the server crashed as it can not reset the dirty bit flag and will fail saying the files are already open.

So the process is, if the Server has actually crashed:

1. Run step 1 to restart a crashed server
2. Run step 2 to close the server normally
3. Run step 3 to restart it as a normal restart
4. Log the error/action on the Forum so we can check it out. Sometimes Apache decides it can not open the log file so an Admin will need to check this out and restart it manually if the logs are not working.

1. Restarting a crashed server sends messages to the terminal. You are not connected to the terminal. If you do not stop the server and restart it normally then you run the risk of logs being lost.
2. Senior players will be given individual userid/passwords that will be logged when they access this feature. Please do not abuse the power and try to stop the server out of mischievous.
3. Do not share userids with any other person, even in the same household.
4. This has been added to try to improve online availability.

Senior players.
1. Admin may nominate someone if they think they are suitable.
2. You can nominate yourself to an Admin for consideration.
3. Remember the Criteria.

The Lord of Molten Rocks
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